The Money Is In The List With Brad A. Milford

With Brad A. Milford – The Money Is In The List

Unlimited Business Wisdom Ep #101

Most likely you’ve heard this important digital business proverb – the money is in the list.
So maybe you’re wondering…
What’s all the hype and why do I need one right away?
What’s the big deal?

Brad A. Milford is a marketing, sales, and operations expert. He’s also a mind models specialist and fractional COO with a focus on productivity and business growth strategies such as high-ticket products and course creation for entrepreneurs. 

U.S. Navy veteran and world traveler, he has built eight corporations. Through his experiences, he has led, managed, and grown more than 100 businesses from ground to 7-figures and beyond.  He is chapter Chair of the Northeast Florida Region for the Global Leaders Organization, the founder of multiple business incubator communities, and is best known for the Built for Brilliance 

Group and the Freedom, Wealth, & Brilliance Mastermind. 

As a top podcaster, Brad’s global impact continues to expand, and he is honored to serve today as a world-class speaker, mentor, trainer, consultant, and coach.

In this episode, Brad discusses how and why the money is in the list.

You can easily find Brad here:
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What every business owner needs to know –
Lead Generation Mastery –

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