6 Top Tips To Help You Master Your Productivity

Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time to finish everything on your to-do list? If so, you aren’t alone. Many business owners struggle to achieve all their daily tasks. 

But that doesn’t mean giving your productivity a boost isn’t possible. It is possible when you master your priorities. Doing so will compress time and help you achieve more with less as you work to reach your most important goals.

There are dozens of ways to achieve more in less time. Below are six top tips that will help you master your productivity. In turn, working on these will help maximize your effectiveness:

  1. Prioritize First

Priority management plays a huge part in being able to achieve more of your important goals. It is the practice of focusing on ranking, evaluating, and performing your tasks based on importance and expected return of outcome. 


Prioritizing your work allows you to utilize your time more efficiently. If you’re not sure how to do that, there is a simple matrix called the Eisenhower Matrix that can help you evaluate your tasks. It helps you prioritize your tasks based on importance and urgency.

  1. Remove Distractions

Did you know, on average, it takes 25 minutes and 26 seconds for people to get back on track after an interruption? Distractions are costing you and your team, time, energy, and money.

Distractions include phone calls, texts, emails, and constant notifications from your social media channels. The list goes on and on! When you don’t focus, it affects your ability to think clearly, make decisions, recall information, and solve problems effectively. 

As a business owner and entrepreneur, interruptions are inevitable. However, when they happen constantly, it’s a problem. Be proactive, plan accordingly and take appropriate action to remove distractions. That means turning off unnecessary notifications, working in a quiet space, and taking preventive measures for anything else that might cause you to lose your focus.

  1. Optimize Your Productive Hours

Do you get more done earlier in the day? Or do you find that you are more productive in the afternoon or evening?

Invest a moment to think about what part of the day you are most productive. When you pinpoint your prime productive time, you can start optimizing your daily schedule accordingly.

  1. Delegate Effectively

Let’s face it — you are one person. Because of this, it’s in your business’s best interest (and your own!) to delegate work. It’s the best way to get more done in less time.

If there is a task that you don’t need to personally lead, it’s time to pass it to a capable assistant or project manager. Eliminating any mundane tasks will free your time so that you can focus on tackling the highest-return tasks. Your time is best spent on strategy and moving the needle of the company forward. 

  1. Adjust Your Focus

Pareto’s Principle, also known as the 80/20 Rule, states that 80 percent of outputs are a result of 20 percent of inputs. In other words, 20 percent of your actions are creating 80 percent of your results.

Why is this important? When it comes to boosting your business productivity, the trick is adjusting your focus. Identify what 20 percent you need to focus on to get your desired 80 percent. If the task isn’t going to help you achieve your desired 80 percent, it’s time to drop it or delegate it. 

  1. Get a Business Coach

Instead of wasting time trying to figure everything out yourself, get a coach. You don’t need to tackle everything on your own as you navigate through your business. 

The right business coach has the knowledge to help you tackle your roadblocks. Take advantage of their expertise to improve your business performance. For example, coaches can help you improve sales, define goals, revive your brand, and help you with your strategic plans for growth. 

Mastering productivity is within your reach! Get in touch with us to find out how to give your business a productivity boost today.

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