Top Tips For Social Media Marketing As An Introvert

Developing a presence on social media is all the rage these days. It seems that to get ahead, you have to put yourself out there almost daily. 

If you are more comfortable watching the action from the corner of a room or engaging with just a few close friends, sometimes the noise of social media can be draining or even feel overwhelming at times. No worries, you can get ahead even if you feel more introverted.

Take note, social media is not just for those who love selfies and being on stage. With the right mindset and plan, social media can also be a powerful tool for introverts. You can increase your online presence by utilizing some of these effective strategies:

Build on Your Strengths

Being introverted does not mean being shy or reluctant to interact. For many, it simply means that you have little tolerance for surface chatter. Introverts tend to be confident when communicating about their respective interests and passions. If you shine through your writing and have excellent listening skills, you too can make social media work for you.

Ease Into It

Do not be intimidated by the term “social.” You get to be social on your own terms and in control of your own interactions. Find your voice, rhythm and cadence. 

  1. Be willing to try something new. 
  2. Challenge yourself.
  3. Experiment with posting one video or pre-recorded podcast outside your comfort zone. 
  4. Evaluate the outcome of your experiment.
  5. Decide what works best for your marketing portfolio. 

Adopt only the approaches that are a good fit. Remember, not everything you try needs to become a central part of your marketing strategy. 

Eliminate Overthinking

Give up the tendency to analyze every move. Paralysis analysis is detrimental to business. The key to success is continuous improvement in building resourcefulness.  

So, what if you dare to post something you feel is controversial and you get a negative response, or even worse, no response at all? 

At times, it may feel a little bit like no one sees your posts. Other times it may feel like the world is kicking back or maybe even staring at you sometimes. The truth is, your stretching experiments will soon disappear and you grow and through it as you discover what’s effective and what is not. And let’s not forget, you can always delete your post if needed. 

The only thing that can hold you back is the thought that something can hold you back.

Enjoy the journey of finding the right fit. Avoid the urge to equate likes and followers with success. Attracting a select group of loyal, long-term customers is much more important than riding the waves of popularity. After all, this is not your middle school dance, right?

Build Your Tribe

You are not alone in the social media jungle. While introverts make up an estimated 25 to 40 percent of the population, there are still many misconceptions about this personality type. It is also important to note that introversion is not the same thing as social anxiety.  If you feel most comfortable out of the limelight, consider the following tips: 

  1. Share inspirational quotes or repost articles that align with your mission. 
  2. Showcase interviews of satisfied customers or those in your niche who match your vibe. 
  3. Shine a light on others instead of yourself. 

You may also want to ponder the idea of hiring an assistant who might brainstorm creative ways to bring your message to the world.

Strengthen your tribe by calling on the professional services of consultants and mentors like myself who understand your mindset and who will stand by you ready to serve you in creating a social media presence that illuminates what energizes you. Contact us today to create a winning marketing plan, operations plan or strategic plan.

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