How You Can Turn 5 Minutes Of Live Video Into Revenue For Your Business

How Trish takes Entrepreneurs and Teaches Them To Press Live With Purpose With Five Minute Lives!

Trish Leto, The Unicorn Breeder, teaches entrepreneurs how to turn into “magical beings” and press live with purpose and increase revenue.

Trish is the founder of “Five Minute Lives” – the simple yet effective strategy that teaches business owners how to locate content that matters to their audience, dominate their industry and show up as the “Go To Expert” in their field. Trish is also the co-founder of Military Women’s Conference – – that educates, empowers and embrace military women, military spouses and mothers of military.

Trish talks about relationship building, overcoming chaos and the importance of setting boundaries. She also reminds us the various platforms available to you. Don’t miss the golden nuggets in this episode!

You can contact Trish on Facebook.

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