Can you Build Brilliance?

There can be so much darkness in the world. Some experience more than others. I’ve had my share of darkness but I don’t focus on it. I focus on the light. I believe that perseverance through adversity is part of what makes a person unique. It builds and weaves into our essence. Life can be tough at times but grit is a part of all of us. We all have it and can tap into it. Different times call for different circumstances. Some need a little help along the way and that’s okay. It’s not something of which to be ashamed. This is something of which to be proud. These types of situations allow us to connect with others in meaningful ways.

Light pours into and out of us by way of information. We all learn from and teach others. We all model and broadcast messages of meaning to one another. This can be building brilliance! Having a clear vision of one’s self and one’s character is one of the most powerful things we can do in life. Doesn’t building our character increase our influence? Doesn’t it help us lead in a meaningful way? What a great topic for meaningful conversation!. Let’s make these concepts more mainstream for others.

What’s your nature? What is your essence? How well do you know yourself? How well do you accurately describe yourself to others? All good questions. And given the importance of these topics, why wasn’t I taught this? Why didn’t we have a conversation about it in elementary school? For that matter, why not in college?

Is it not a benefit to all, if each knows how to serve brightly with our talents, and in turn enjoy the  process? How empowering! Isn’t a person highly engaged if they know how to grow into their strengths rather than attempt to overcome weaknesses? How many of us still seek this in our work while we toil away at the office?

Wow, how powerful would it have been if I had known my strengths all my life and been able to utilize them? Had I known how to grow into my strengths and uniqueness at a young age, I would have been able to connect with people, on higher level . Instead I wasted many years in other pursuits. Don’t misunderstand. I am not blaming. I’ve grown to be who I am through this. What I am saying, is that because of this, because of me squandering so many years, I want to be a force for positive change. A beacon of light in times of darkness and uncertainty. How about you? Who can you inspire today? Striving toward helping others who have come to know they are misaligned or misguided is powerful stuff. Striving to assist others  in eliminating blind spots and discover their uniqueness is meaningful. How can you be involved in this today? Too many suffer regrets of untapped talent. But fear not, if you are willing to do the work, there is hope.

Age is not a factor in this. I meet people young and not so young, who haven’t  yet tapped into their purpose. I’ve experienced even more who desire it but don’t know how to unpack it. Complacency and mediocrity are enemies too. They sneak up on us while we’re not watching. Let’s take arms against these in the world. Let’s stand with others who choose to do the same. How about you? What small action can you take today to help someone?

Building brilliance for me, is a journey of hope. It’s to connect with people who get this. People who desire to excel in life and are willing to do the work. It’s for the people who desire mentoring and being mentored by those before and after them on their journey. It’s about creating an ecosystem of mutual hope and support.

Building brilliance is about those who desire deep meaningful connections in life. It’s about leading and following. It’s about mining for gems whether they’re information or people.  It’s about diamonds in the rough and those who have taken great pains to polish and be polished. Those who are not afraid to have help in being cleaved and cleave, sculpt and mold others in turn. Not molding people into what they want them to be rather, helping them to shine brilliantly in who they are naturally. For many, these are journeys of discovery. They are adventures. It’s about taking off the shackles and realizing that we are not alone in life. Giving up ego, facades and attitudes in order to learn there are others who are willing to help us when needed. It’s connecting with those who lift us up in life. This is how one shines brilliantly.

Frankly, this is how adding value becomes synergy. This is how influence and leadership begin to radiate brilliantly. It starts by taking a step forward. By having the courage to put one foot in front of the other. It starts by commencement. It starts by you and I beginning to build brilliance and making the world a better place. Decide on one specific action you can do right now.  I support you. Go get em!

B. A. Milford